(Images used are not my own - No copyright intended. All rights go to the owners.)
The topic of 'Health & Fitness' usually means bloggers rush to tell you their latest diet and fitness tops, and although there are lots of great pieces of advice out there, I for one am not a nutritionist, a dietician or trained to give any constructive advice on fitness and the effect on the body. At the end of the week at 6am you can expect a different twist on the usually body work out routines from me and be indulged into my thoughts and feelings on the latest health trends, here my side of the story when it comes to dealing with a series of mental illnesses (because let's not forget health isn't just about the physical side of things) and my habits and routines that I like to do.
Things you can expect from me: tips and tricks for dealing with mental illness that have worked for me, wish lists in fitness products, my own meal plans that have been guided by my nutritionist and dieticians, rants and other ramblings, life updates.
Things you shouldn't expect from me: photos of my 'progress' and images of me guiding you through what fitness I do, videos of my work outs, my own 'personal' advice - anything suggested on this blog I have typed up from appointments with experts in food and nutrition themselves.
As I've said I'm not the expert. I'm not trained to give advice, so I don't want this section of the blog to be about that at all. I will be uploading some things that I like to do in terms of working out and my fitness in terms of scheduling a weekly routine for those of you who asked me to start this blog to share those 'secrets' of mine. However Friday's uploads in this Health & Fitness section will be running along side my Wednesday section of this blog, under the title of 'Food' where you will find tips and tricks for veganism, recipes and things I've tried out and cool restaurants and other finds I have discovered in and around London.
Some of you may already know that I am a vegan who lives a Low FODMAP diet, which being vegan alone induces a lot of questions, (which I will address in the Food section of this blog on my Wednesday uploads at 6am GMT) but adding a Low FODMAP element is enough to make people think my diet is overly extreme or difficult to live by. Which isn't true. So here I will be discussing issues and questions I face in terms of how I stay healthy and keep myself in shape on what most would say is a very 'restricting' diet.
where ever they are in the world, to workout and maintain a healthy lifestyle through exercise and the right type of diet. www.asamilwaukee.org